US, Zambian armies host African Land Forces Summit in Livingstone
10:39 AM5/1/2024
LIVINGSTONE, Zambia — U.S. Army Southern Task Force, Africa (SETAF-AF) and the Zambia Army held the opening ceremony for the African Land Forces Summit (ALFS) 2024 in Livingstone, Zambia, near Victoria Falls.
Sponsored by the U.S. Army Chief of Staff, the 12th iteration of ALFS runs April 22-26, and brings together land force chiefs from nearly 40 African countries, other partner nations, academic thought leaders and government officials for candid dialogue about shared challenges. This year’s theme is “Regional Solutions to Transnational Problems.”
Land Forces Summit closes in Zambia, 2025 host named
10:39 AM5/1/2024
LIVINGSTONE, Zambia — U.S. Army Southern Task Force, Africa (SETAF-AF) and the Zambia Army concluded the African Land Forces Summit (ALFS) 2024 today with a closing ceremony here.
Sponsored by the U.S. Army Chief of Staff, the 12th iteration of ALFS brought together land forces chiefs from approximately 40 African nations, April 22-26, here near Victoria Falls, along with six European nations, Brazil and the United States. Joined by civilian and academic leaders, approximately 400 leaders discussed shared challenges and approaches under the theme “Regional Solutions to Transnational Problems.”
ALFS 2023 continues senior enlisted leader program
2:04 PM5/27/2023
Originally intended to bring together African land force chiefs, or a country’s equivalent of the chief of staff of the Army, as the event has matured, so has its scope. In 2017, SETAF-AF and co-host Malawi first extended invitations to command senior enlisted leaders and their inclusion has continued for all subsequent summits.
US, Ivorian armies cohost ALFS 2023 in Abidjan, announce next year's location
5:10 PM5/13/2023
Senior military leaders from the US and Africa came together to build relationships, exchange information on current topics of mutual interest and encourage cooperation in addressing challenges, May 8-12 in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire.
US, Ivorian armies host African Land Forces Summit in Abidjan
10:59 PM5/8/2023
Senior military leaders from African nations, as well as the U.S. and some European nations, meet to build relationships, exchange information on current topics of mutual interest and encourage cooperation in addressing challenges, May 8-12 in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire during the African Land Forces Summit. The theme for this year’s summit is “Addressing security challenges through civil-military partnerships.”
The African Land Forces Summit (ALFS) is a forum for senior leaders from land forces across Africa, the U.S. and other partner nations to solidify relationships, exchange information on current topics of mutual interest and to encourage cooperation in addressing challenges.
ABIDJAN, Côte d’Ivoire—Military planners for U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, Africa (SETAF-AF), visited several sites in Cote d’Ivoire Sep 26-30, 2022 for the African Land Forces Summit (ALFS) initial planning event. The planning event is part of ongoing preparation for ALFS 23 scheduled for May, 2023.
African Land Forces Summit 2022 closed with the announcement of next year’s location
9:31 PM3/26/2022
The theme for this year’s ALFS was “Resilient Institutions Build Resilient Leaders,” which highlighted the importance of foundational elements within army and security institutions, such as training centers and non-commissioned officers.
Military leaders from the U.S. Army and over 40 African countries will join here March 21-25 in an effort to strengthen partnerships and discuss security challenges in Africa.
Maj. Gen. Andrew Rohling, commanding general of U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, Africa, will welcome African Land Forces Summit 2022 attendees during the opening ceremony on March 21 in Columbus, Georgia.
SETAF-AF planners return to Georgia to continue ALFS 22 preparation
2:09 PM12/14/2021
Military planners for U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, Africa returned to Georgia Dec. 6-10 for the African Land Forces Summit main planning event. The planning event is part of ongoing preparation for ALFS, which is scheduled to take place in March.
Planning is underway for the African Land Forces Summit 2022
3:58 PM11/5/2021
Military planners for U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, Africa, visited several sites in Georgia Oct. 18-22, 2021 for the African Land Forces Summit (ALFS) initial planning event. The planning event is part of ongoing preparation for ALFS, which is scheduled to take place in March, 2022.
Maj. Gen. Andrew M. Rohling, the U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, Africa commander, left, and Col. Ed Williams, the SETAF-AF Security Cooperation Directorate director, discuss challenges and opportunities focused on this year’s African Land Forces Summit (ALFS) theme: “Maintaining Security in a Degraded Environment” with African land force commanders and senior enlisted leaders during a regional breakout session at the 2021 ALFS at Caserma Del Din in Vicenza, Italy, May 19, 2021. This year, taking into consideration travel limitations and the safety of country delegations, ALFS was a virtual event. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Meleesa Gutierrez)