United States Army Africa Command Image
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Partnership leads the way to capacity during ALFS 2017
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Partnership leads the way to capacity during ALFS 2017
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Americans, Chadians kick off Medical Readiness Training Exercise 17-3
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Shared Accord 2017 Final Planning Event
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Unified Focus 2017 tabletop exercise brings multinational collaboration to Cameroon
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Unified Focus 2017 tabletop exercise brings multinational collaboration to Cameroon
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Unified Focus 2017 tabletop exercise brings multinational collaboration to Cameroon
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Unified Focus 2017 tabletop exercise brings multinational collaboration to Cameroon
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Unified Focus 2017 tabletop exercise brings multinational collaboration to Cameroon
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Unified Focus 2017 tabletop exercise brings multinational collaboration to Cameroon
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Unified Focus 2017 tabletop exercise brings multinational collaboration to Cameroon
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Harrington visits CL Garoua, meets with regionally aligned force Soldiers
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Exercise Unified Focus 2017 kicks off in Cameroon
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Exercise Unified Focus 2017 kicks off in Cameroon
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Exercise Unified Focus 2017 kicks off in Cameroon
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Exercise Unified Focus 2017 kicks off in Cameroon
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Exercise Unified Focus 2017 kicks off in Cameroon
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Exercise Unified Focus 2017 kicks off in Cameroon
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USARAF builds, strengthens partnerships through accord exercises
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USARAF builds, strengthens partnerships through accord exercises
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USARAF builds, strengthens partnerships through accord exercises
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USARAF builds, strengthens partnerships through accord exercises
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Admiral Howard visits CoESPU
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USARAF builds, strengthens partnerships through Accord exercises
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USARAF builds, strengthens partnerships through Accord exercises
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USARAF builds, strengthens partnerships through Accord exercises
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USARAF builds, strengthens partnerships through Accord exercises
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83rd Civil Affairs delivers supplies to Cameroonian school
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1st Brigade Combat Team Hosts Senegalese Soldiers
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1st Brigade Combat Team Hosts Senegalese Soldiers
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1st Brigade Combat Team Hosts Senegalese Soldiers
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1st Brigade Combat Team Hosts Senegalese Soldiers
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USARAF chaplains conduct training for deploying Zambian counterparts
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USARAF chaplains conduct training for deploying Zambian counterparts
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MALBAT 9 completes training
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CL Garoua visit orphange
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TF Toccoa Medics in CL Garoua
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USARAF-led exercise in Ethiopia reunites Soldier, mother
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US, Malawi military planners put final touches on African Land Forces Summit 2017
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United States Army Africa Command Image
U.S. Army Reserve Sgt. Christopher Mason, a practicing nurse specialist, assigned to 3rd Medical Command Deployment Support in Forest Park, Ga., and his Chadian counterpart reset a broken leg before casting it during Medical Readiness Training Exercise 17-3 at the Military Teaching Hospital in N'Djamena, Chad, May 4. The mutually beneficial exercise offers opportunities for the partnered militaries to share best practices and improve medical treatment processes. (U.S. Army Africa photo by Staff Sgt. Shejal Pulivarti)
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Shejal Pulivarti
Partnership leads the way to capacity during ALFS 2017
Senior military leaders from countries across the African continent applaud during an introductory session before the opening ceremony of the African Land Forces Summit 2017, in Lilongwe, Malawi, May 8, 2017. ALFS is an annual, weeklong seminar bringing together land force chiefs from across Africa for candid dialog to discuss and develop cooperative solutions to regional and transregional challenges and threats. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Paige Behringer)
Photo by: Sgt. Paige Behringer, Lilongwe, Malawi
Partnership leads the way to capacity during ALFS 2017
More than 40 nations from across the globe gather during the African Land Forces Summit at the Umodzi Business Park, Lilongwe, Malawi, May 8, 2017. ALFS is an annual, weeklong seminar bringing together land force chiefs from across Africa for candid dialog to discuss and develop cooperative solutions to regional and trans-regional challenges and threats.( U.S. Army photo by Spc. Tadow McDonald)
Photo by: Sgt. Paige Behringer, Lilongwe, Malawi
Americans, Chadians kick off Medical Readiness Training Exercise 17-3
Chadian Maj. Gen. Beure Mbaidonadji addresses the MEDRETE 17-3 team during the opening ceremony held at the Military Teaching Hospital in N'Djamena, Chad, May 2. The exercise includes participants from the Chadian government, U.S. Army Africa, and the 3rd Medical Command Deployment Support in Forest Park, Ga. It is the third in a series of medical readiness training exercises that USARAF is scheduled to facilitate in various countries in Africa. The mutually beneficial exercise offers opportunities for the partnered militaries to share best practices and improve medical treatment processes. (U.S. Army Africa photo by Staff Sgt. Shejal Pulivarti)
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Shejal Pulivarti
Shared Accord 2017 Final Planning Event
Soldiers from 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) conduct site reconnaissance for the upcoming #SharedAccord exercise during a planning event at the South African Army Combat Training Center in Lohatlha, Northern Cape, South Africa April 26, 2017.
Formerly known as Southern Accord, Shared Accord is a bi-lateral exercise between South African and U.S. Forces that will focus on peacekeeping operations and is scheduled to take place in July 2017.
Unified Focus 2017 tabletop exercise brings multinational collaboration to Cameroon
U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Kenneth Moore, U.S. Army Africa deputy commander, greets Cameroonian Maj. Gen. Saly Mohamadou, Commander of the 2nd Military Region of Cameroon, at the opening ceremony for exercise Unified Focus 2017, held on the Douala Naval Base, April 24, 2017. UF 17 is a weeklong tabletop exercise that brings the military partners of the Lake Chad basin area’s Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) together to practice joint planning and coordination through a series of scripted vignettes.
Photo by: Capt. Jason Welch
Unified Focus 2017 tabletop exercise brings multinational collaboration to Cameroon
Italian Carabinieri Maj. Alessandro Criscitiello briefs Unified Focus 2017 participants on police units’ responsibilities during peacekeeping operations April 25, 2017, at the Douala Naval Base. UF 17 is a weeklong tabletop exercise that brings the military partners of the Lake Chad basin area’s Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) together to practice joint planning and coordination through a series of scripted vignettes.
Photo by: Capt. Jason Welch
Unified Focus 2017 tabletop exercise brings multinational collaboration to Cameroon
A Nigerian military officer briefs his working group during discussions at Exercise Unified Focus 2017, held at the Douala Naval Base, Cameroon, April 26, 2017. UF 17 is a weeklong tabletop exercise that brings the military partners of the Lake Chad basin area’s Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) together to practice joint planning and coordination through a series of scripted vignettes.
Photo by: Capt. Jason Welch
Unified Focus 2017 tabletop exercise brings multinational collaboration to Cameroon
Exercise participants from more than 10 nations discuss interagency cooperation during working groups at Exercise Unified Focus, April 26, 2017, at the Douala Naval Base, Cameroon. UF 17 is a weeklong tabletop exercise that brings the military partners of the Lake Chad basin area’s Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) together to practice joint planning and coordination through a series of scripted vignettes.
Photo by: Capt. Jason Welch, Douala, Cameroon
Unified Focus 2017 tabletop exercise brings multinational collaboration to Cameroon
Multinational working groups discuss ways to counter violent extremism in the Lake Chad Basin during exercise Unified Focus 2017, held at the Douala Naval Base, Cameroon, April 27, 2017. UF 17 is a weeklong tabletop exercise that brings the military partners of the Lake Chad basin area’s Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) together to practice joint planning and coordination through a series of scripted vignettes.
Photo by: Capt. Jason Welch, Douala, Cameroon
Unified Focus 2017 tabletop exercise brings multinational collaboration to Cameroon
A Benin military officer briefs his working group during discussions at Exercise Unified Focus 2017, held at the Douala Naval Base, Cameroon, April 27, 2017. UF 17 is a weeklong tabletop exercise that brings the military partners of the Lake Chad basin area’s Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) together to practice joint planning and coordination through a series of scripted vignettes.
Photo by: Capt. Jason Welch
Unified Focus 2017 tabletop exercise brings multinational collaboration to Cameroon
Military and civilian representatives from over 10 nations pose for a group photo at the closing ceremony for Exercise Unified Focus 2017, held at the Douala Naval Base, Cameroon, April 28, 2017. UF 17 is a weeklong tabletop exercise that brings the military partners of the Lake Chad basin area’s Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) together to practice joint planning and coordination through a series of scripted vignettes.
Photo by: Capt. Jason Welch, Douala, Cameroon
Harrington visits CL Garoua, meets with regionally aligned force Soldiers
During a visit to Contingency Location Garoua, Cameroon, U.S. Army Africa Commander Maj. Gen. Joseph Harrington expresses appreciation and presents coins to Soldiers from the 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), in a ceremony April 27, 2017. The Soldiers are deployed as part of the U.S. Army’s regionally aligned forces in Africa. (U.S. Army photo)
Exercise Unified Focus 2017 kicks off in Cameroon
U.S. Army Sgt. Maj. Harold Estabrooks, U.S. Army Africa Army Reserve Engagement Cell, directs the arrangement of the group photo following the opening ceremony for exercise Unified Focus 2017, held on the Douala Naval Base, April 24, 2017. UF 17 is a weeklong tabletop exercise that brings the military partners of the Lake Chad basin area’s Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) together to practice joint planning and coordination through a series of scripted vignettes.
Photo by: Capt. Jason Welch, Douala, Cameroon
Exercise Unified Focus 2017 kicks off in Cameroon
U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Kenneth Moore, U.S. Army Africa deputy commander, answers questions for local journalists following the opening ceremony for exercise Unified Focus 2017, held on the Douala Naval Base, April 24, 2017. UF 17 is a weeklong tabletop exercise that brings the military partners of the Lake Chad basin area’s Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) together to practice joint planning and coordination through a series of scripted vignettes.
Photo by: Capt. Jason Welch, Douala, Cameroon
Exercise Unified Focus 2017 kicks off in Cameroon
Senior leaders an guest speakers exchange remarks during the opening ceremony for exercise Unified Focus 2017, held on the Douala Naval Base, April 24, 2017. UF 17 is a weeklong tabletop exercise that brings the military partners of the Lake Chad basin area’s Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) together to practice joint planning and coordination through a series of scripted vignettes.
Photo by: Capt. Jason Welch, Douala, Cameroon
Exercise Unified Focus 2017 kicks off in Cameroon
U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. Sarah Balian translates as Cameroonian Maj. Gen. Saly Mohamadou, Commander of the 2nd Military Region of Cameroon, provides his remarks during the opening ceremony for exercise Unified Focus 2017, held on the Douala Naval Base, April 24, 2017. UF 17 is a weeklong tabletop exercise that brings the military partners of the Lake Chad basin area’s Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) together to practice joint planning and coordination through a series of scripted vignettes.
Photo by: Capt. Jason Welch, Douala, Cameroon
Exercise Unified Focus 2017 kicks off in Cameroon
U.S. Army Maj. Aaron Smith, U.S. Embassy Yaounde office of security cooperation, provides remarks during the opening ceremony of exercise Unified Focus 2017, held on the Douala Naval Base, April 24, 2017. UF 17 is a weeklong tabletop exercise that brings the military partners of the Lake Chad basin area’s Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) together to practice joint planning and coordination through a series of scripted vignettes.
Photo by: Capt. Jason Welch, Douala, Cameroon
Exercise Unified Focus 2017 kicks off in Cameroon
U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Kenneth Moore, U.S. Army Africa deputy commander, greets Cameroonian Maj. Gen. Saly Mohamadou, Commander of the 2nd Military Region of Cameroon, at the opening ceremony for exercise Unified Focus 2017, held on the Douala Naval Base, April 24, 2017. UF 17 is a weeklong tabletop exercise that brings the military partners of the Lake Chad basin area’s Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) together to practice joint planning and coordination through a series of scripted vignettes.
Photo by: Capt. Jason Welch, Douala, Cameroon
USARAF builds, strengthens partnerships through accord exercises
An U.S. Army Soldier and a Cameroonian Armed Forces soldier work together to secure a checkpoint during a simulated tactical movement at this year’s Central Accord exercise in Libreville, Gabon, on June 21, 2016. U.S. Army Africa’s exercise Central Accord 2016 is an annual, combined, joint military exercise that brings together partner nations to practice and demonstrate proficiency in conducting peacekeeping operations. (Defense Department photo by Tech. Sgt. Brian Kimball)
USARAF builds, strengthens partnerships through accord exercises
U.S. Army Soldiers assigned to Bravo Co. 3rd Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, move gear across a wire during the team obstacle course at the French Jungle Warfare School in Gabon, June 10, 2016. Soldiers attended the French Jungle Warfare School as part of U.S. Army Africa's exercise Central Accord 2016, an annual, combined, joint military exercise that brings together partner nations to practice and demonstrate proficiency in conducting peacekeeping operation. (U.S. Army photo by Yvette Zabala-Garriga)
USARAF builds, strengthens partnerships through accord exercises
U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Dennis B. Unger, assigned to Bravo Co. 3rd Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, from Hinesville, Ga., plots points on a map with a Gabonese service member during exercise Central Accord 16 in Gabon, June 17, 2016. U.S. Army Africa's exercise Central Accord is an annual, combined, joint military exercise that brings together partner nations to practice and demonstrate proficiency in conducting peacekeeping operations. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Yvette Zabala-Garriga)
USARAF builds, strengthens partnerships through accord exercises
U.S. Army Soldiers and members from the Zambian Defense Force work together during a daytime tactical movement at exercise Southern Accord 15 in Lusaka, Zambia, Aug. 5, 2015. The exercise provided U.S. military, United Nation allies and the Zambian Defense Force an opportunity to work and train together as a combined joint peacekeeping allied force. (U.S. Army Africa photo by Staff Sgt. Brian Kimball)
Admiral Howard visits CoESPU
The Center of Excellence for Stability Police Units (CoESPU) hosts a discussion between Maj. Gen. Joseph Harrington, the U.S. Army Africa commander; Adm. Michelle Howard, the commander of Allied Joint Force Command Naples, U.S. Naval Forces Europe and U.S. Naval Forces Africa; Lt. Gen. Vincenzo Coppola, the deputy commanding general of the Carabinieri Corps; and others in Vicenza, Italy, April 10, 2017. The meeting focused on each country's efforts in Africa and on possibilities for U.S. and Italian cooperation with an emphasis on Libya, Somalia, Gulf of Guinea and the Lake Chad Basin. (U.S. Army photo by Paolo Bovo)
USARAF builds, strengthens partnerships through Accord exercises
U.S. Army Soldiers assigned to Bravo Co. 3rd Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, move gear across a wire during the team obstacle course at the French Jungle Warfare School in Gabon, June 10, 2016. Soldiers attended the French Jungle Warfare School as part of U.S. Army Africa's exercise Central Accord 2016, an annual, combined, joint military exercise that brings together partner nations to practice and demonstrate proficiency in conducting peacekeeping operation. (U.S. Army photo by Yvette Zabala-Garriga)
Photo by: Meredith March, VICENZA, Italy
USARAF builds, strengthens partnerships through Accord exercises
U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Dennis B. Unger, assigned to Bravo Co. 3rd Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, from Hinesville, Ga., plots points on a map with a Gabonese service member during exercise Central Accord 16 in Gabon, June 17, 2016. U.S. Army Africa's exercise Central Accord is an annual, combined, joint military exercise that brings together partner nations to practice and demonstrate proficiency in conducting peacekeeping operations. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Yvette Zabala-Garriga)
Photo by: Meredith March, VICENZA, Italy
USARAF builds, strengthens partnerships through Accord exercises
U.S. Army Soldiers and members from the Zambian Defense Force work together during a daytime tactical movement at exercise Southern Accord 15 in Lusaka, Zambia, Aug. 5, 2015. The exercise provided U.S. military, United Nation allies and the Zambian Defense Force an opportunity to work and train together as a combined joint peacekeeping allied force. (U.S. Army Africa photo by Staff Sgt. Brian Kimball)
Photo by: Meredith March, VICENZA, Italy
USARAF builds, strengthens partnerships through Accord exercises
An U.S. Army Soldier and a Cameroonian Armed Forces soldier work together to secure a checkpoint during a simulated tactical movement at this year’s Central Accord exercise in Libreville, Gabon, on June 21, 2016. U.S. Army Africa’s exercise Central Accord 2016 is an annual, combined, joint military exercise that brings together partner nations to practice and demonstrate proficiency in conducting peacekeeping operations. (Defense Department photo by Tech. Sgt. Brian Kimball)
Photo by: Meredith March, VICENZA, Italy
83rd Civil Affairs delivers supplies to Cameroonian school
Sgt. 1st Class Sean Acosta, NCO in charge of Team 8321 from the 83rd Civil Affairs Battalion’s Bravo Company delivers supplies to a school in Garoua, Cameroon, April 21. The CA team, attached to the 101st Airborne Division-led Task Force Toccoa, partners with local Garoua leadership to strengthen the U.S./Cameroonian relationship.
1st Brigade Combat Team Hosts Senegalese Soldiers
Maj. Jamaal Mack, support operations officer for 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, draws a rough sketch of the brigade support area to show the Senegalese Soldiers how the battalion operates in a field environment. The Senegalese partners are here through a U.S. Army Africa program to promote multinational sharing of information and develop interoperability among Senegal and U.S. forces. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Jesse Anderla, 1st Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs)
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Jesse Anderla, Fort Campbell, KY
1st Brigade Combat Team Hosts Senegalese Soldiers
Senegalese Soldiers observe a demonstration on various rappelling techniques offered at the Sabalauski Air Assault school on Fort Campbell, Kentucky. The Senegalese partners are here through a U.S. Army Africa program to promote multinational sharing of information and develop interoperability among Senegal and U.S. forces. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Jesse Anderla, 1st Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs)
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Jesse Anderla, Fort Campbell, KY
1st Brigade Combat Team Hosts Senegalese Soldiers
Staff Sgt. Lamine Diankha, an infantry paratrooper with the Senegalese army rappels from the tower at the Sabalauski Air Assault school. The Senegalese partners are here through a U.S. Army Africa program to promote multinational sharing of information and develop interoperability among Senegal and U.S. forces. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Jesse Anderla, 1st Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs)
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Jesse Anderla, Fort Campbell, KY
1st Brigade Combat Team Hosts Senegalese Soldiers
Sgt. Maj. Babacar Pouye, an infantry specialist with the Senegalese army looks through a night vision device to observe pickup zone operations at the beginning of 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division’s field training exercise. The Senegalese partners are here through a U.S. Army Africa program to promote multinational sharing of information and develop interoperability among Senegal and U.S. forces. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Jesse Anderla, 1st Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs)
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Jesse Anderla, Fort Campbell, KY
USARAF chaplains conduct training for deploying Zambian counterparts
Chaplain (Col.) David Lile (left), the U.S. Army Africa command chaplain, conducts a training for Zambian army and air force chaplain teams at the Nanking army battle training center near Lusaka, Zambia, March 13, 2017. Lile and Sgt. 1st Class George Butler, also assigned the USARAF chaplain section based in Vicenza, Italy, discussed deployment cycle support and spiritual leadership and development components with the Zambian chaplains, who were preparing to deploy to Central African Republic and South Sudan to support service members on extended peacekeeping missions. (Courtesy photo)
Photo by: Meredith March, VICENZA, Italy
USARAF chaplains conduct training for deploying Zambian counterparts
Chaplain (Col.) David Lile (front row, center), the U.S. Army Africa command chaplain, poses for a group photo with Zambian army and air force chaplains at the Nanking army battle training center near Lusaka, Zambia, March 15, 2017. Lile and Sgt. 1st Class George Butler, also assigned the USARAF chaplain section based in Vicenza, Italy, discussed deployment cycle support and spiritual leadership and development components with the Zambian chaplains, who were preparing to deploy to Central African Republic and South Sudan to support service members on extended peacekeeping missions.. (Courtesy photo)
Photo by: Meredith March, VICENZA, Italy
MALBAT 9 completes training
The MALBAT 9 commander salutes his troops after a presentation from Lt. Col. Nathan Springer, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), April 6, 2017, Malawi. This is the 9th iteration of MALBAT, the Malawi battalion that supports the UN peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Soldiers from the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), USARAF and the British military are supporting the training of the MALBAT to strengthen regional security and stability.
CL Garoua visit orphange
Soldiers of the 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment ("CURRAHEE!") currently assigned as Task Toccoa visited an orphanage outside Contingency Location Garoura. Soldiers delivered donated clothes and school supplies to the children. Upon arrival, they were greeted by singing, dancing, and even small plays. TF Toccoa's visit showcased the U.S. Army's commitment to the community and demonstrated the value of a Cameroonian/U.S. partnership.
TF Toccoa Medics in CL Garoua
U.S. Army medics from Task Force Toccoa share combat lifesaver practices with Cameroonian forces from Air Force Base 301 to strengthen the U.S. and Cameroon partnership at Contingency Location Garoua, Cameroon, April 5, 2017. (U.S. Army by photo 2nd Lt. Jorge Rodríguez)
USARAF-led exercise in Ethiopia reunites Soldier, mother
Master Sgt. Bakaffa Casey, an information technology manager with U.S. Army Africa, and his mother pose for a photo at the Peace Support Training Center in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Casey was able to reunite with his mother and extended family members while in Ethiopia for exercise Justified Accord 17, which was held March 20-24, 2017. JA17 is an annual weeklong joint exercise that brings together U.S. Army personnel, African partners, allies and international organizations to promote interoperability between participating nations for peacekeeping operations in the East Africa region. (U.S. Army Africa photo by Staff Sgt. Lance Pounds)
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Lance Pounds, Vicenza, Italy
US, Malawi military planners put final touches on African Land Forces Summit 2017
U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Kenneth Moore (second from left), a U.S. Army Africa deputy commander, and Malawi Brig. Gen. Paul Phiri (right) sign the memorandum of understanding between the U.S. Army and Malawi Defense Force at the Kumuzu Barracks in Lilongwe, Malawi, during the final planning event for the Africa Land Forces Summit 2017, March 29, 2017. ALFS is an annual, weeklong seminar bringing together land force chiefs from across Africa for candid dialog to discuss and develop cooperative solutions to regional and trans-regional challenges and threats.
Photo by: Capt. Jason Welch, Lilongwe, Malawi