Breath Control & Trigger Squeeze
A U.S. Army and Niger Armed Forces' Soldier side-by-side demonstrating the kneeling position during preliminary marksmanship instruction in Niger. The PMI was conducted in preparation for a combined live-fire range.
Photo by: Capt. James Sheehan
MPs demonstrate fighting positions
Soldiers from the 1-411 Military Police Company, 89th Military Police Brigade conduct preliminary marksmanship instruction with Niger Armed Forces prior to live fire ranges.
Photo by: Capt. James Sheehan
USARAF Public Affairs shares on-camera practices
U.S. Army Africa promotes partnership and builds capacity by exchanging good practices for on-camera interviews to public affairs professionals from Burkina Faso, Germany, Ghana and Liberia at this year's United Accord exercise in Accra, Ghana. Soldiers will use these practices to promote their unit's stratic messaging for press conferences, crisis communication and external media engagements.
Italy’s PHA Food Safety Officer Deemed Best in the Army
Warrant Officer One Abraham Montemayor, U.S. Army Garrison – Italy’s food safety officer and U.S. Army Veterinary Service Corps’ 2017 Warrant Officer of the Year stands at attention in front U.S. Army Africa’s headquarters on Caserma Ederle, Italy. Montemayor conducts audits of food and water facilities in Africa before Soldier’s depart on partnership missions, Aug. 2017.
Italy’s PHA Food Safety Officer Deemed Best in the Army
Warrant Officer One Abraham Montemayor, U.S. Army Garrison – Italy’s food safety officer and U.S. Army Veterinary Service Corps’ 2017 Warrant Officer of the Year stands at attention in front U.S. Army Africa’s headquarters on Caserma Ederle, Italy. Montemayor conducts audits of food and water facilities in Africa before Soldier’s depart on partnership missions, Aug. 2017.
Photo by: Capt. James Sheehan, Vicenza, Italy
Italy’s PHA Food Safety Officer Deemed Best in the Army
Warrant Officer One Abraham Montemayor, U.S. Army Garrison – Italy’s food safety officer and U.S. Army Veterinary Service Corps’ 2017 Warrant Officer of the Year stands at attention in front U.S. Army Africa’s headquarters on Caserma Ederle, Italy. Montemayor conducts audits of food and water facilities in Africa before Soldier’s depart on partnership missions, Aug. 2017.
Photo by: Capt. James Sheehan, Vicenza, Italy
Italy’s PHA Food Safety Officer Deemed Best in the Army
Warrant Officer One Abraham Montemayor, U.S. Army Garrison – Italy’s food safety officer receives the “Veterinary Warrant Officer of the Year Award” at the International Military Veterinary Medical Symposium in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, 2017.
Photo by: Capt. James Sheehan, Vicenza, Italy
Cameroonians and Americans participate in the Closing Ceremony of Medical Readiness Training Exercise 17-5 held at the Military Hospital of Garoua in Garoua, Cameroon, Aug. 16, 2017. MEDRETE 17-5 is the fifth in a series of medical readiness training exercises that U.S. Army Africa facilitated in various countries on the African continent during 2017. (U.S. Army Africa photo by Staff Sgt. Shejal Pulivarti)
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Shejal Pulivarti
United States Army Africa Command Image
Cameroonian Army Col. Felix Begomo, right, director of Military Hospital of Garoua, gives a tour of the facility to U.S. Army Col. John Osborn, second from left, command surgeon for U.S. Army Africa, during Medical Readiness Training Exercise 17-5 in Garoua, Cameroon, Aug. 15, 2017. The mutually beneficial exercise, being conducted for the first time in the region, offers opportunities for the partnered militaries to share best practices and improve medical treatment processes. (U.S. Army Africa photo by Staff Sgt. Shejal Pulivarti)
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Shejal Pulivarti
First MEDRETE in Garoua offers different levels of readiness enhancement for US Army medical personnel
Cameroonian Adj. Gouane Jacquee, a laboratory technician, and U.S. Army Pfc. Jason Macha, a combat medic assigned to the 212th Combat Support Hospital, clean a patient’s wound at the Military Hospital of Garoua during Medical Readiness Training Exercise 17-5 in Garoua, Cameroon, Aug. 10, 2017. The mutually beneficial exercise, being conducted for the first time in the region, offers opportunities for the partnered militaries to share best practices and improve medical treatment processes. (U.S. Army Africa photo by Staff Sgt. Shejal Pulivarti)
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Shejal Pulivarti, Cameroon
101st Soldiers participate in Judicious Activation 17
Pvt. Nicholas Polzin (center), an infantryman with 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), and other members of his platoon provide security for a leaders’ recon during a situational training lane in Libreville, Gabon, July 27, 2017. The platoon of 101st Soldiers conducted training alongside its Gabonese counterparts to include physical fitness training and a ruck march during Exercise Judicious Activation ’17-2. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. 1st Class Alexandra Hays, 79th Sustainment Command (Support).
Photo by: Sgt. 1st Class Alexandra Hays, Libreville, Gabon
Detaining personnel
Soldiers from the 89th Military Police Brigade and Niger Armed Forces share best practices for detaining personnel, access control, and perimeter security in Agadez, Niger.
U.S. Army & FAN in Niger
Soldiers from the Niger Armed Forces and U.S. Army's 89th Military Police Brigade conduct a 200-meter, small arms live-fire focusing on grouping, zeroing and qualification.
U.S. & FAN Soldiers train in Niger
Niger Armed Forces and U.S. Army Soldiers from the 89th Military Police Brigade huddle around a terrain model to share best practices when conducting physical security, access control point and responding to perimeter threats.
Photo by: , Agadez, Niger
United States Army Africa Command Image
U.S. Army 2nd Lt. Michael A. Goss, center, a platoon leader with 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), discusses squad-level tactics during a situational training lane in Libreville, Gabon, July 27, 2017. The platoon of 101st Soldiers conducted training alongside its Gabonese counterparts to include physical fitness training and a ruck march during Exercise Judicious Activation ’17-2. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. 1st Class Alexandra Hays, 79th Sustainment Command (Support).
Photo by: Sgt. 1st Class Alexandra Hays, Libreville, Gabon
Harrington meets with Uganda chief of defense, discusses security initiatives
U.S. Army Africa Commander Maj. Gen. Joseph P. Harrington, right, exchanges gifts with Gen. David Muhoozi, the Uganda People's Defense Force chief of defense forces, in Kampala, Uganda, July 31, 2017. The senior leaders discussed initiatives to improve long-term security capacity in the region. (Courtesy photo by U.S. Embassy Kampala)
Photo by: Lt. Col. Armando Hernandez
Anti-Awareness Month
Maj. Gen. Joseph Harrington, U.S. Army Africa' Commanding General records August's Anti-Terrorism awareness message at AFN Vicenza's studio.
Moore, spouse recognized for contributions to USARAF community, mission
Brig. Gen. Kenneth H. Moore, the U.S. Army Africa deputy commanding general and Army Reserve Engagement Cell director, and his wife Pamela are recognized for their contributions to the USARAF community and mission in a ceremony at Caserma Ederle in Vicenza, Italy, July 12, 2017. The brigadier general received the Legion of Merit and Winfield Scott Silver Medallion, and Pamela Moore received the Outstanding Civilian Service Medal and Dr. Mary E. Walker Award. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Tadow McDonald)
Deescalating Riots
U.S. Army 1st Lt. Zachary Lewis, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) meets with village leadership during a riot training scenario at Shared Accord 2017 in South Africa.
Shared Accord 2017
U.S. and South African Soldiers conduct an after action review following a successful training scenario at Shared Accord 2017.
Photo by: Spc. Tadow McDonald
United States Army Africa Command Image
U.S. Army Capt. Michael Martinez, the early entry command post communications chief, places a rock on the pile signifying the pledge to train safely during the opening ceremony for exercise Shared Accord 2017 at the South African Army Combat Training Center, July 17, 2017. SA17 is a joint, combined command post and company field training exercise focused on peacekeeping operations designed to enhance participants' capability and capacity to conduct African Union- and United Nations-mandated peacekeeping operations. (U.S. Army Photo by Spc. Tadow McDonald)
Photo by: Spc. Tadow McDonald
Shared Accord 2017 opening ceremony
South African troops salute during a ceremony kicking off Shared Accord 2017 at the South Africa Army Combat Training Center, July 17, 2017. SA17 is a joint, combined command post and company field training exercise focused on peacekeeping operations designed to enhance participants' capability and capacity to conduct African Union- and United Nations-mandated peacekeeping operations. (Courtesy photo by South African National Defense Force Capt. Matthew De Jager)
Photo by: Sgt. 1st Class Alexandra Hays
Shared Accord 2017 symbolic rock piling ceremony
U.S. and South African troops each place a rock on a rock pile signifying the pledge to train safely during exercise Shared Accord 2017 at the South Africa Army Combat Training Center, July 17, 2017. SA17 is a joint, combined command post and company field training exercise focused on peacekeeping operations designed to enhance participants' capability and capacity to conduct African Union- and United Nations-mandated peacekeeping operations. (Courtesy photo by South African National Defense Force Capt. Matthew De Jager)
Photo by: South African National Defense Force Capt. Matthew De Jager
Shared Accord 2017
U.S. Army Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division and South African Army Opposition Force participants pose for a photo during a situational training scenario for Shared Accord 2017 at the South African Combat Training Center, July 19, 2017.
Photo by: Spc. Tadow McDonald
Shared Accord 2017
U.S. Army Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault)and South African Army Opposition Force participants pose for a photo during a situational training scenario for #SharedAccord 2017 at the South African Combat Training Center, July 19, 2017. SA17 is a Joint-Combined Command Post Exercise (CPX) and Company Field Training Exercise (FTX) focused on peace keeping operations designed to exercise participants' capability and capacity to conduct African Union/United Nations mandated peace keeping operations.
Photo by: Spc. Tadow McDonald
Lt. Gen. West visits USARAF
Lt. Gen. Nadja West, U.S.Army's Surgeon General, visited US Army Garrison Italy and U.S. Army Africa to discuss successful Medical Readiness Training Exercises in Africa, visit Vicenza's world-class health clinic and answer questions at an open townhall.
Prendergast reflects on ‘outstanding’ USARAF experience
South African Army Brig. Gen. Gustav Lategan and Brig. Gen. William J.Prendergast, U.S. Army Africa Deputy Commanding General, places the final plaque on the pile of rocks signifying the pledge to train safely during Shared Accord 2017 at the South Africa Army Combat Training Center, July 17, 2017. SA17 is a Joint-Combined Command Post Exercise (CPX) and company field training exercise (FTX) focused on peace keeping operations designed to exercise participants' capability and capacity to conduct African Union/United Nations mandated peace keeping operations. ( U.S. Army Photo by Spc. Tadow McDonald)
U.S. joint team brings public affairs discussion to Republic of the Congo
U.S. and Congolese military members pose for a group photo during a public affairs exchange July 11, 2017, Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo.
A joint team from the Defense Information School, U.S. Africa Command and U.S. Army Africa conducted a weeklong discussion about public affairs with over 30 members of the Congolese Armed Forces.
Photo by: Capt. Jason Welch, Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo
U.S. joint team brings public affairs discussion to Republic of the Congo
U.S. and Congolese military members pose for a group photo during a public affairs exchange July 11, 2017, Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo.
A joint team from the Defense Information School, U.S. Africa Command and U.S. Army Africa conducted a weeklong discussion about public affairs with over 30 members of the Congolese Armed Forces.
Photo by: Capt. Jason Welch
EO Team partners with CoESPU
Master Sgt. Derrick Dixon and Sgt. Maj. Raymond Hendrick, U.S. Army Africa equal opportunity team, USARAF EO team poses for a picture with recent Gender Protection in Peace Operations Course graduates at Center of Excellence for Stability Police Units (CoESPU) in Vicenza, Italy, July 11, 2017. USARAF EO works in conjunction with CoESPU on topics of gender equality, integration and exploitation. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Shejal Pulivarti)
CULP Malawi 2017
Cadet Justin Olson learns how to take apart the K2C rifle alongside Malawian Cadet Cosmas soldier during Cultural Understanding and Language Proficiency Program in Malawi.
United States Army Africa Command Image
Cadets meet with U.S. Ambassador to Madagascar Robert Yamate at the U.S. embassy in Antananarivo, Madagascar, during Cultural Understanding and Language Proficiency Program. CULP is an annual three-week mission that immerses Army Reserve Officer Training Corps Cadets in foreign cultures.
CULP_ Malawi
U.S. Army Cadet Samuel Boyles, a student from Appalachian State, gets his pack checked by a Malawian soldier during Cultural Understanding and Language Proficiency Program in Malawi. CULP is an annual three-week mission that immerses Army Reserve Officer Training Corps Cadets in foreign cultures.
USARAF G1 team shares human resources best practices with Cape Verde
U.S. Army Capt. Jamie Vestal, U.S. Army Africa G1 operations officer, Cabo Verdean Armed Forces Lt. Col. Antonio Jorge Rocha, U.S. Embassy representative Nicolau Soares, and Capt. Wayne Hancock, U.S. Army Africa G1 operations officer, give closing remarks after a week of discussions, June 23, Praia, Cape Verde.
U.S. Army and FACV human resources professionals met June 19-23 to exchange information and share best practices in human resource operations at the brigade and battalion level, to familiarize participants with personnel readiness, build trust, and develop relationships between the U.S. and Cape Verdean militaries. (Photo by Bruno Azevedo, U.S. Embassy Praia)
207th Assumption of Command
Col. Richard D. Conkle assumed command of 207th Military Intelligence Brigade during a assumption of command ceremony on Hoekstra Field, June 26, 2017. Conkle takes over the brigade from Col. Tim Higgins, who left Italy for an assignment in Afghanistan. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Angelica Mendez)
Photo by: Pfc. Angelica Mendez
USARAF G1 team shares best practices with human resources professionals in Guinea-Bissau
Capt. Wayne Hancock, U.S. Army Africa G1 operations officer, discusses readiness and deployment checklists with officers from the Armed Forces of Guinea-Bissau June 15, Bissau, Guinea-Bissau.
U.S. Army and human resources professionals from the air force, navy and army of Guinea-Bissau met June 12-16 to exchange information and share best practices in human resource operations at the brigade and battalion level, to familiarize participants with personnel readiness, build trust, and develop relationships between the U.S. and Guinea-Bissau militaries.
Photo by: , Bissau, Guinea-Bissau
United States Army Africa Command Image
Capt. Wayne Hancock, U.S. Army Africa G1 operations officer, discusses readiness and deployment checklists with officers from the Armed Forces of Guinea-Bissau June 15, Bissau, Guinea-Bissau.
U.S. Army and human resources professionals from the air force, navy and army of Guinea-Bissau met June 12-16 to exchange information and share best practices in human resource operations at the brigade and battalion level, to familiarize participants with personnel readiness, build trust, and develop relationships between the U.S. and Guinea-Bissau militaries.
Photo by: , Bissau, Guinea-Bissau
USARAF G1 shares human resources best practices with Guinea-Bissau
Capt. Wayne Hancock, U.S. Army Africa G1 operations officer, discusses readiness and deployment checklists with officers from the Armed Forces of Guinea-Bissau June 15, Bissau, Guinea-Bissau.
U.S. Army and human resources professionals from the air force, navy and army of Guinea-Bissau met June 12-16 to exchange information and share best practices in human resource operations at the brigade and battalion level, to familiarize participants with personnel readiness, build trust, and develop relationships between the U.S. and Guinea-Bissau militaries.
Photo by: , Bissau, Guinea-Bissau
United States Army Africa Command Image
MEDRETE 17-4 includes participants from the Gabonese government, U.S. Army Africa, and the 14th Combat Support Hospital at Fort Benning, Ga. It is the fourth in a series of medical readiness training exercises that USARAF is scheduled to facilitate in various countries in Africa. The mutually beneficial exercise offers opportunities for the partnered militaries to share best practices and improve medical treatment processes. (U.S. Army Africa photo by Staff Sgt. Shejal Pulivarti)
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Shejal Pulivarti
MEDRETE 17-4: Gabon
MEDRETE 17-4 includes participants from the Gabonese government, U.S. Army Africa, and the 14th Combat Support Hospital at Fort Benning, Ga. It is the fourth in a series of medical readiness training exercises that USARAF is scheduled to facilitate in various countries in Africa. The mutually beneficial exercise offers opportunities for the partnered militaries to share best practices and improve medical treatment processes. (U.S. Army Africa photo by Staff Sgt. Shejal Pulivarti)
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Shejal Pulivarti