Army civil affairs team procures, delivers medical supplies to Nigerien medical facilities
The U.S. Army 443rd Civil Affairs Battalion, Civil Affairs Team 219 and U.S. Air Force civil engineers assigned to Nigerien Air Base 201 near Agadez, Niger, pose for a photo with doctors and nurses from Agadez Regional Public Hospital in front of the tent donated and delivered to the hospital April 6, 2020. CAT 219 reached out to local medical facilities to ascertain what supplies and equipment were needed to assist Nigerien health care providers in protecting themselves and enhancing capabilities to prevent infections and provide effective health care for potential COVID-19 patients. The hospital director requested a tent to be used as a quarantine space in the case of a potential coronavirus outbreak. (U.S. Army photo)
Photo by: , Agadez, Niger
Army civil affairs team procures, delivers medical supplies to Nigerien medical facilities
The U.S. Army 443rd Civil Affairs Battalion, Civil Affairs Team 219 and U.S. Air Force civil engineers assigned to Nigerien Air Base 201 in Agadez, Niger, build a tent they donated and delivered to the Agadez Regional Public Hospital April 6, 2020. CAT 219 reached out to local medical facilities to ascertain what supplies and equipment were needed to assist Nigerien health care providers in protecting themselves and enhancing capabilities to prevent infections and provide effective health care for potential COVID-19 patients. The hospital director requested a tent to be used as a quarantine space in the case of a potential coronavirus outbreak (U.S. Army photo)
Photo by: , Agadez, Niger
Army civil affairs team procures, delivers medical supplies to Nigerien medical facilities
The U.S. Army 443rd Civil Affairs Battalion, Civil Affairs Team 219 and U.S. Air Force civil engineers assigned to Nigerien Air Base 201 in Agadez, Niger, build a tent they donated and delivered to the Agadez Regional Public Hospital April 6, 2020. CAT 219 reached out to local medical facilities to ascertain what supplies and equipment were needed to assist Nigerien health care providers in protecting themselves and enhancing capabilities to prevent infections and provide effective health care for potential COVID-19 patients. The hospital director requested a tent to be used as a quarantine space in the case of a potential coronavirus outbreak. (U.S. Army photo)
Photo by: , Agadez, Niger
U.S. Army Europe delivered medical supplies and equipment to support the battle against COVID-19 in the hard-hit Lombardy Region of Italy.
CAMP DARBY, Italy (March 25, 2020) - Simone Bonechi, a Humanitarian Assistance Program warehouse worker, moves folding chairs to be loaded on a truck headed to Rho Lombardy, Italy in response to COVID-19. (U.S. Army Photo by Chiara Mattirolo)
Photo by: Chiara Mattirolo, Camp Darby
Deployed company gets creative, conducts new Army fitness test
1st Lt. Marcos Arroyo, center, a platoon leader assigned to Fox Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) and officer in charge for Task Force Currahee’s Army Combat Fitness Test instructs Cameroonian air force personnel taking the test how to conduct the events with the help of an interpreter at the training and testing site in Cameroon Dec. 20, 2019. The Fox Company conducted ACFT training and diagnostic testing while deployed to Cameroon in support of U.S Africa Command operations on the African continent. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Ian Brashear)
Deployed company gets creative, conducts new Army fitness test
Staff Sgt. Seth Scharenberg, second from right, a squad leader assigned to the Fox Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), grades the hand release push up event of the Army Combat Fitness Test as Sgt. 1st Class Enslin, right, also assigned to the Fox Company, keeps time Dec. 13, 2019, in Cameroon. The Fox Company conducted ACFT training and diagnostic testing while deployed to Cameroon in support of U.S Africa Command operations on the African continent. (U.S. Army photo by 1st Lt. Marcos Arroyo)
Deployed company gets creative, conducts new Army fitness test
Spc. Imani Goodrich, a human resource specialist assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment, conducts the Army Combat Fitness Test’s leg tuck event at a makeshift gym in Cameroon Dec. 20, 2019. The Fox Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) conducted ACFT training and diagnostic testing while deployed to Cameroon in support of U.S Africa Command operations on the African continent. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Ian Brashear)
African Alumni Symposium 2020 group photo
Thirty-seven African alumni of U.S. Army professional military education programs, 20 African fellows currently enrolled at the U.S. Army War College and nine Army National Guard representatives from the Defense Department’s State Partnership Program participated in the U.S. Army Africa-conducted, USAWC-hosted African Alumni Symposium held at the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center in Carlisle, Penn., March 9-12. The symposium brings participants together to build and strengthen partnerships, facilitate discussion about shared security concerns and encourage regional cooperation in addressing challenges. (U.S. Army photo by Amanda Zeiders)
AL20: Ready to roll
Bring in the heavy artillery -- M109A6 Paladins of the Utah Army National Guard are staged for movement from the port in Agadir, Morocco, to training areas where they will be used as part of African Lion 20, the largest exercise in Africa. More than 9,000 troops from eight countries will participate in the exercise from March 23 to April 3, 2020.
Photo by: Maj. Cain Claxton, Agadir, Morocco
ALFS bilateral engagements are key component of the summit
Maj. Gen. Enobong Udoh, Nigerian Armed Forces, meets with U.S. Army Forces Command commanding general Gen. Michael X. Garrett and U.S. Army Africa commanding general Maj. Gen. Roger Cloutier prior to a bilateral engagement at the African Land Forces Summit 2020 (ALFS) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Feb. 19, 2020. ALFS is a four-day seminar bringing together land force chiefs from across Africa for candid dialogue to discuss and develop cooperative solutions and improve trans-regional security and stability.
Photo by: Staff. Sgt. Jennifer Milnes
United States Army Africa Command Image
Massachusetts National Guard, Kenya Defense Force soldiers conduct field artillery training
U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Marco Cabral, with the 101st Field Artillery Regiment, Massachusetts National Guard, instructs Kenya Defense Force artillery soldiers on conducting a fire control alignment test on an M119A2 105mm howitzer at the School of Artillery in Isiolo, Kenya, Jan. 29, 2020. The Kenya field artillery training aims to build partner capacity and provide training on various equipment sets and fires planning. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Miles O. Andrade)
Command Sgt. Maj.
Command Sgt. Maj. Charles W. Gregory Jr.
Gregory assumes responsibility as USARAF command sergeant major
U.S. Army Africa Command Sgt. Maj. Charles W. Gregory Jr. delivers remarks during his assumption of responsibility ceremony held Jan. 29. 2020, at Caserma Ederle in Vicenza, Italy. (U.S. Army photo by Maj. Brian Andries)
Gregory assumes responsibility as USARAF command sergeant major
U.S. Army Africa Command Sgt. Maj. Charles W. Gregory Jr. delivers remarks during his assumption of responsibility ceremony held Jan. 29. 2020, at Caserma Ederle in Vicenza, Italy. (U.S. Army photo by Maj. Brian Andries)
Gregory assumes responsibility as USARAF command sergeant major
Command Sgt. Maj. Charles W. Gregory Jr. receives the U.S. Army Africa colors signifying his acceptance of USARAF’s senior enlisted position, during an assumption of responsibility ceremony held Jan. 29. 2020, at Caserma Ederle in Vicenza, Italy. (U.S. Army photo by Maj. Brian Andries)
USARAF ramps up for the ACFT
U.S. Army Africa Soldiers conduct their first diagnostic Army Combat Fitness Test at Caserma Del Din, Vicenza, Italy on Jan. 14, 2020. As the US Army implements the new ACFT, Soldiers will take two diagnostic tests before their first record test in October.
United Accord 20 takes shape
Exercise planners from various nations pose for a photograph during the United Accord 2020 main planning event at the Regional Tactical Training Center in Thies, Senegal, Dec. 9, 2019. The combined joint planning event hosted by the Senegalese armed forces included delegates from five Western partner nations and 13 African partner nations with a wide range of experience in regional peacekeeping operations, the basis for the Accord series of exercises. (U.S. Army photo by Maj. Brian Andries)
Photo by: Maj. Brian Andries
"I initially joined for the educational benefits but after 9/11 occurred my service transitioned into being a patriotic duty. Serving as a human resource officer has allowed me the opportunity to assist Soldiers, reviewing and correcting records, and enabling them to progress in their careers." -Capt. Eduardo Olvera, battalion S1 officer in charge.
Photo by: USARAF, Vicenza, Italy
United States Army Africa Command Image
A multi-faceted exercise and a humanitarian civic assistance event spanning four countries
The USARAF Medical Readiness Exercise Concept Development Event commenced December 2-6
The USARAF Medical Readiness Exercise Concept Development Event commenced December 2-6, in Vicenza, Italy.Representatives from U.S. Army National Guard units and six African countries to include Chad, Senegal, Ghana, Ethiopia, and others are attending this year's event.
MEDREX events are aligned with USARAF and U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) directed joint exercises and stand-alone events with support from U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM) units and U.S. Army Medical Research & Development Command through the Department of the Army (DA) with additional support from the National Guard State Partnership Program. 44th Medical Brigade XVIII Airborne Corps.
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Jennifer Milnes, Vicenza, Italy
Why I Serve
"I serve because I love my country and to be an example of leadership. To serve and defend the greatest country in the world is truly an honor. The leaders who came before us laid the groundwork for what America is today and by serving, I want to help make their dreams our reality."
-Sgt. Michael Murphy, U.S. Army Africa command driver and 173rd Airborne Brigade Paratrooper
Photo by: Sgt. Jennifer Garza
Exercise African Lion 20 Main Planning a Success in Morocco
AGADIR, Morocco – Military planners from the U.S., Africa and Europe worked alongside their Moroccan partners to plan U.S. Army Africa’s largest exercise, African Lion, in Agadir, Morocco, Nov. 4-8, 2019.
Photo by: , Agadir, Morocco
Exercise African Lion 20 Main Planning a Success in Morocco
AGADIR, Morocco – Military planners from the U.S., Africa and Europe worked alongside their Moroccan partners to plan U.S. Army Africa’s largest exercise, African Lion, in Agadir, Morocco, Nov. 4-8, 2019.
Photo by: , Agadir, Morocco
African Lion 20 MPE
Troops from across the United States as well as servicemembers from Spain, Tunisia, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Italy, gather at the main planning event for Exercise African Lion in Agadir, Morocco, Nov. 8, 2019. Spearheaded by U.S. Army Africa and hosted by the Royal Moroccan Armed Forces, African Lion 20 is a joint force headquarters-validating, partnership- strengthening, readiness-building, multinational, multi-domain and multifunctional exercise testing the warfighters’ ability to deploy, fight and win in a complex, competitive and global environment. (Army photo by Maj. Cain S. Claxton.)
Photo by: Maj. Cain Claxton, Agadir, Morocco
Why I Serve...
"I serve in the U.S. Army for those who want to but aren't able to. Being third generation Army, I felt like it was my duty; my grandfather served in the Korean War and my father served during the Gulf War."
Master Sgt. Lance Walker, 79th Theater Sustainment Command - Forward, senior airdrop operations NCO
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Jennifer Milnes, Vicenza, Italy
USARAF CSM relinquishes responsibility
USARAF CSM relinquishes responsibility
USARAF CSM Relinquishes Responsibility
Vicki Inman is presented with a rosary blessed by Pope Francis during the relinquishment ceremony for her husband, Command Sgt. Maj. Jeremiah Inman, the outgoing U.S. Army Africa command sergeant major, in Vicenza, Italy, Nov. 6, 2019. Inman relinquished his position in Italy as he prepares to move to his next assignment as the command sergeant major for the Combined Security Transition Command - Afghanistan.
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Jennifer Milnes, , , Italy
USARAF CSM Relinquishes Responsibility
Soldiers, family and friends stand with Command Sgt. Maj. Jeremiah Inman, the outgoing U.S. Army Africa command sergeant major, and Maj. Gen. Roger Cloutier, the USARAF commanding general, for the U.S. national anthem in Vicenza, Italy, Nov. 6, 2019. Both Italian and U.S. anthems played at the commencement of Inman’s relinquishment ceremony. Inman will next serve as the command sergeant major for the Combined Security Transition Command - Afghanistan.
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Jennifer Milnes, , , Italy
USARAF CSM Relinquishes Responsibility
U.S. Army Africa Commanding General Maj. Gen. Roger Cloutier presents outgoing USARAF Command Sgt. Maj. Jeremiah Inman with a parting gift in Vicenza, Italy, Nov. 6, 2019. Inman relinquished his position in Italy and will next serve as the command sergeant major for the Combined Security Transition Command - Afghanistan.
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Jennifer Milnes, , , Italy
USARAF CSM Relinquishes Responsibility
Maj. Gen. Roger Cloutier, the U.S. Army Africa commanding general embraces Command Sgt. Maj. Jeremiah Inman, the outgoing USARAF command sergeant major, during Inman’s relinquishment ceremony in Vicenza, Italy, Nov. 6, 2019. Inman will next serve as the command sergeant major for the Combined Security Transition Command - Afghanistan.
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Jennifer Milnes, , , Italy
USARAF CSM Relinquishes Responsibility
Command Sgt. Maj. Jeremiah Inman, the outgoing U.S. Army Africa command sergeant major, reflects on his time and experiences at USARAF during his relinquishment ceremony in Vicenza, Italy, Nov. 6, 2019. Inman will next serve as the command sergeant major for the Combined Security Transition Command - Afghanistan.
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Jennifer Milnes, , , Italy
USARAF CSM Relinquishes Responsibility
Command Sgt. Maj. Jeremiah Inman, the outgoing U.S. Army Africa command sergeant major, and his wife Vicki, fellow Soldiers and friends listen as Maj. Gen. Roger Cloutier, the USARAF commanding general, reflects on his time working with Inman in Vicenza, Italy, Nov. 6, 2019. Inman relinquished his position in Italy as he prepares to move to his next assignment as the command sergeant major for the Combined Security Transition Command - Afghanistan.
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Jennifer Milnes, , , Italy
USARAF CSM Relinquishes Responsibility
Maj. Gen. Roger Cloutier, the U.S. Army Africa commanding general, reflects on his time working with Command Sgt. Maj. Jeremiah Inman, the outgoing USARAF command sergeant major, during Inman’s relinquishment ceremony in Vicenza, Italy, Nov. 6, 2019. Inman will next serve as the command sergeant major for the Combined Security Transition Command - Afghanistan.
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Jennifer Milnes, , , Italy
Lean Six Sigma training enhance USARAF professionals
Army civilians and employees of U.S Army Africa and the Vicenza military community attended a "Lean Leader" training course Oct. 21-25.The course is extension of the Army's Lean Six Sigma (LSS) initiatives, which enhances Army professionals' skill-set as good stewards of resources.
Photo by: Maj. Devon Thomas
Why I Serve Wednesday
"Serving is an honor. I love America. I was born in El Salvador and coming to the U.S. has given me and my family a lot of opportunities. I love wearing the uniform and what I do in the Army." Spc. Azucena Vigil, U.S. Army Africa paralegal specialist
Photo by: Sgt. Jennifer Garza
USARAF Maj. Gen. Roger L. Cloutier meets with the troops!
Maj. Gen. Roger L. Cloutier, U.S. Army Africa commanding general, meets with Soldiers while conducting battle field circulation Oct. 25, 2019, on Caserma Del Din, Vicenza, Italy.
Photo by: Sgt. Jennifer Garza, Vicenza, Italy
African Land Forces Summit main planning event takes off!
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia - Ethiopian National Defense Force members and a U.S. Army Africa Soldier discuss layout details during their week of a main planning event in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on October 23. The week consists of planning out details for the ENDF and USARAF co-hosted African Land Forces Summit to be held in the city in February 2020. ALFS 2020 is the eighth annual summit bringing leaders together across the continent with the upcoming theme of "Tomorrow's Security Demands Leadership Today."
Photo by: Sgt. Jennifer Garza, Vicenza, Italy
This week we celebrate SETAF 's 64th Birthday!
Ceremony at Hoekstra Field in 1960.
Photo by: USARAF Staff, Vicenza, Italy